How to Looksmax: 3 Step Looksmaxing Guide for Men


What is Looksmaxing?

Looksmaxing means improving and maximizing one’s appearance in every way possible. It’s the art and science of enhancing your physical appearance to unlock your true potential. In a world where first impressions matter looksmax is like filling the gaps in your looks.

It is usually associated with “Men’” since we men don’t grow up having any knowledge or experience about appearance. To help men become the best version of themselves we are excited to share with you valuable insights, techniques, and tips; Ranging from skincare to fashion and male grooming.

What does it take to Looksmax?


Money is very important in this journey. You’ll need some money to invest in Nutrition, useful products, gym membership, etc.


You will need to put in time and effort to achieve the required results. It is not going to happen on a night. Or by any miracle, it takes time so be patient.


Last but not least, your mind. As they say, Mindset is everything. A proper mindset to achieve your goals will play a great part.

How to Looksmax: 3 Stages of looksmaxing

To make it easy for you, we have divided your Looksmaxing journey into 3 levels. Just figure out where you currently stand and step up.


Looksmaxing Basics

If you have never done anything more than a simple haircut to enhance your looks, then building a strong foundation is a very important step. When you have reached the standards for beginners in looksmaxxing, then and only then you should move on to the next level.

Basic Skincare Routine: Basic skincare is the Foundation of Looksmaxing. Cleanse your face twice a day to keep it dirt-free. Follow up with a moisturizer that is suitable for your skin type to keep your skin hydrated. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen daily to protect your skin from sun damage.

Clean Diet: Stay away from processed foods. Keep your meals simple, plain, and healthy. Adding more protein will prove immensely beneficial.

Get plenty of sleep: Ideal sleep for the human body varies from 6 to 9.9 hours. Find your sweet spot for sleep. And lastly the most important is to sleep at night. Because 8 hours at night are not the same as 8 in the daytime.

Start a workout routine: Getting in a workout 4 to 5 times a week will increase lean muscles and do wonders in reducing stress. Any sort of weight training or a sport will work.

Hydration: Stay hydrated throughout the day it will make your skin glow and will have positive effects on your overall health.

Keep Your Mouth Clean: Buy a high-quality toothbrush (preferably electric). Use floss and tongue scrapper to keep your mouth clean and breath fresh. For white teeth using whitening strips is recommended.


Looksmaxing Intermediate

So, moving on to the second step considering you’ve built a solid foundation in the looks area. Now it’s time to carve you into the man you always wanted to be. In this step, the changes in your appearance will be visible real quick. Let’s jump right on:

Get Lean: Reducing body fat is one of the most crucial steps in looksmaxxing. Low body fat will reveal your real facial structure. It will surely give you a jawline and reveal those cheekbones.

Find a nice haircut: To find what suits you best you are going to have to try different styles until you find one. Here is How to Style Curly Hair. It’s best to get your barber’s advice on a hairstyle that will be according to your hair type + face and vibe.

Hair Health: Use a natural, gentle shampoo, and don’t shampoo every day. Avoid heat styling your hair to prevent damage.

Facial Hair:

  • Fix your eyebrows. Don’t go too thin or you will end up having feminine eyebrows.
  • Find a suitable facial hair style that suits your personality.


Looksmax Advance

Mewing: It’s a long-term game, but with enough practice and patience you will get results you will love for the rest of your life. It will make your jawline look sharp.

Be Confident: Confidence is one of the most attractive qualities a man can possibly have. Always believe in yourself in every matter of life.

Hair Loss: If you are getting bald, get treatment for it. Try using minoxidil, finasteride, or micro-needling if required. Be confident in your own skin and you will

Dressing Well: You don’t need to invest a lot of money to dress nicely. Invest in well-fitted, stylish clothes that complement your body.

Improve your complexion: Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. Consume the greens, they will give a natural tan from the inside. Of course, the results will appear after quite some time.

Good Lips: Use Vaseline before bed to keep your lips from drying. Scrub the dead skin from your lips every now and then.

Alright, bookmark this page right now to give us feedback on your results.

Consider it being a responsible Alpha-Male of society to share this guide with your friends and brothers who need to know these things. If you have any other useful tips to share, comment below.

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