What is Mewing – Can It Reshape Your Jawline?

Have you ever heard of mewing? If not then you are at the right place. It’s not some new dance move or diet craze, it’s a simple technique that might just change the way you think about your face. It’s all about how you place your tongue in your mouth to have a better facial posture.


How Mewing Started?


The idea comes from Dr. John Mew, who believed that proper tongue posture can affect facial development and alignment. By resting your tongue on the roof of your mouth and maintaining proper mouth position, you can see some great benefits like a clearer jawline and better breathing.

Why Mewing?


Let’s talk about jawlines, your jawline isn’t just there to help you chew, it’s also a major player in defining your overall appearance. A powerful, chiseled jaw that can cut through glass. It’s like the perfect frame for your face, adding structure to make you look like a total boss.

Can mewing make your Jawline Attractive?

Ready to up your jaw game? It’s like the secret sauce to unlocking that chiseled, model-worthy jawline you have always dreamed of.


Here’s the scoop mewing isn’t some crazy workout regimen or magic potion. It’s all about holding your tongue. Yes, you read that right. By resting your tongue on the roof of your mouth and holding it there, you give your jaw the support it needs to shine.

But why does it work? When you maintain proper tongue posture, you engage the muscles in your jaw and face, which can help define and shape your jawline over time.

Benefits of Mewing:


Here are some of the benefits of mewing:

  1. Enhanced Jawline: Get ready to rock the chiseled jawline you’ve always dreamed of. By engaging the muscles in your jaw and face, mewing can help to shape your jawline over time.
  1. Better breathing: Mewing promotes proper tongue posture, which can open up the airways and improve breathing. Say goodbye to stuffiness and hello to easy breathing.
  1. Improved posture: Believe it or not, mewing isn’t just for your face, it can also help your overall posture. Proper alignment of the tongue and jaw will promote better alignment of the entire body.
  1. Free and Easy: Best of all, mewing is free and easy. It requires no fancy equipment or expensive treatments,  just your tongue and a little mindfulness.

Results of Mewing:


It’s like a magic trick for your face. Before, you might feel like you have a chin or breath. But after a try, your jawline is clearer, you breathe easier and you gain a newfound confidence. It’s like a glow for your face and all thanks to a little action of the tongue.

Mewing for Different Age Groups:

It’s only for a certain age group, right? Good news – This exercise is for everyone!


Whether you’re a teenager looking to sculpt your jaw or a seasoned pro looking to improve your posture, mewing has something for everyone. It’s like a fountain of youth for your face, helps define your jawline, improves breathing, and even reduces snoring.

Misconceptions about Mewing:

  1. Overnight Results: Contrary to popular belief, Mewing does not produce immediate facial transformations. It requires consistent practice over time to see any noticeable changes.
  1. One Size Fits All: Mewing effectiveness varies among individuals due to differences in facial anatomy and genetics. It’s only a guaranteed solution for some.
  1. Instant Cure for Sleep Disorders: While mewing may improve breathing habits, it’s not a guaranteed cure for sleep-related disorders like snoring and sleep apnea.

The Proper Way of Mewing:

Gently rest your tongue on the roof of your mouth, right behind your front teeth. Think of it as giving your tongue a little home up there. Keep it there as much as possible throughout the day, even when you are talking or eating.


It might feel a little weird at first, but hang in there With practice, mewing will become second nature and you’ll be on your way to a stronger jaw and improved facial symmetry.

So why not give it a try and see what results you will take for your future self?

That’s it let us know in the comments if you find any useful tips about Mewing. If you want to physically improve your overall health just check out our Looksmaxing Guide.

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